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Chapter News

  • Sigma's Omicron Phi Spring Celebration and Fellowship '24

    Hello Members,

    Our Spring dinner on April 23rd at Carraba's was so much fun, informative, and praiseworthy of our Lord as Dr. Jessica Savage gave our devotion and our guest Speaker was Dr. Elizabeth Card.  She is an expert in EBP and spoke on ways to promote EBP through scholarship.  She was the founder of The Empowered Nurse internal peer reviewed publication at VUMC.  An inspiration to all who seek to improve nursing practice, nursing care, and nursing as a profession. 

    Announced:  Mollie Kate Creech as new Student Sigma Representative

    We are looking forward to next year's dinner! 

    Kind regards,

    Dr. Liz Hall 

    President Omicron Phi

  • Omicron Phi's Nursing Excellence Ceremony Spring '24

    Greetings All,

    We will have Spring Nursing Excellence Ceremony (NEC) to induct our new members from undergraduate and graduate levels.  We are excited to embrace our future nurse innovators, leaders, and scholars.  



    Assistant Professor

    Omicron Phi President

Chapter Events